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What if your vet comes directly to your place?

Created by the doctor Frédéric Bascon, a vet with more than 10 years of professional expertise, VETO A DOMICILE is borned from the fact that carrying pets to the vet is sometime very stressful for both the animal and his owner: lack of time, difficulties to catch and carry the pet…

The home-based consultation allows everyone to give his pet qualitative vet care in a familiar and reassuring environment.

Vétérinaire à domicile, membre de l'AVAD

a service which gather…

Treatment quality

At home like everywhere, your vet ensures high quality of treatment, thanks to his on-the-go equipment, which allows to realise the same services than you may have in a clinic (blood analysis, ultrasonography…)


Animal well-being

By chosing to take care of your pet in his familiar environment, you prevent him from the stress of the carriage, the environment changes and the contact with other animals. This contributes to the preservation of his well-being.


Quality of life

By chosing the home-based consultation, you also preserve your own quality of life. No need to carry your pet during your resting time. Your vet come directly to your place, when it suits you best.


Based in Sommières, I serve cities around in an approximate 20 km perimeter, including Quissac, Corconne, La Calmette, Caveirac, Milhaud, Lunel, Castries, Saint-Mathieu-de-Treviers, Calvisson, Aubais, etc…



The homes-based services:


Health checks





Medical and Surgical care

Blood analysis

Biologic exams

End of life support

Privileged follow-up

Direct access to your vet

Support, Advices

Petfood,drugs, accessoiries delivery…


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