Gard / Hérault
06 30 09 75 58
Lun - Ven / 8h30 - 19h
Chat - Chien - NAC
carte de crédit - espèces

Prices & Opening Hours

Opening hours

I’m available from Monday to Friday, 7 am – 7 pm

Outside these hours, continuity of care is carried out by the vet emergency clinic V2TU.


All the prices below are presented inclusive of taxes.

Means of payment : Credit card or cash. No bank cheque please.

PRICE (taxes included)
consultation38 €
additional consultation-10 % per additional pet
travel cost
(to know which zone you belong, please look at the map)
zone 1 : 18 €
zone 2 : 28 €
zone 3 : 38 €
zone 4 : 48 €
dog vaccinationCHPPi : 43,50 €
CHPPiL : 50 €
CHPPiLR : 52 €
kennel cough : 50 €
Leishmaniosis : 95 €
Piroplasmosis : 95 €
cat vaccinationCRP: 50€
CRP L : 70 €
CRP L R : 75 €
rabies vaccination only39,50 €
rabbit vaccinationmyxomatosis + hemorragic disease : 65 €
ferret vaccinationCHPPi : 40 €
european passeport12 €
identificationmicroship : 55 €
tatoo : 30 € + anesthesia
blood sampling15 €
Urine analysis25 €
Ultrasounds30 - 50 €
Microscopic exam20 €

This list is not exhaustive. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need information.


Home-based vet at Quissac, Lunel, Castries et Sommières….

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