Gard / Hérault
06 30 09 75 58
Lun - Ven / 8h30 - 19h
Chat - Chien - NAC
carte de crédit - espèces

Who am I ?

My career

Graduated from the Veterinary Faculty of Liège in 2005, I worked as a vet practitioner in several clinics, where I had the opportunity to take care of any type of patient: cats & dogs but also what we commonly call NAC in french (e.g. rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets) and large animals (cattles, sheeps, goats and horses).

In 2007, I graduated in veterinary reproduction sciences which is a part of medicine I especially appreciate … Participating to the big life cycle is really fascinating, isn’t it ?!

Through my professional journey, I also get the chance to build a strong expertise in overall pet nutrition and more precisely in nutrition of sick pets (e.g. obesity, diabetes or renal disease management).

I speak french and english.

When I’m not doing my lovely job, I love observing the nature, taking pictures and doing sport, whatever it is.

Why a home-based vet ?

The idea of creating a home-based veterinary service came from you actually ! So thank you for that ! I heard your difficulties to catch and bring your pet to the vet.  I heard your concerns regarding the stress your pet may have at the vet clinic, your concerns about disease transmission risks , your own logistic or timing constraints, etc… This is why I naturally choose to offer this home service in the area.

As a vet, this way of working give me the ensurance of a close relationship with both my patients and their owners. I like to compare this relationship to the one you may have with your family doctor. I expect it to be a real partnership focused on your animal well-being. It’s also a way for me to help isolated people to provide their pets the health they deserve.

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