Gard / Hérault
06 30 09 75 58
Lun - Ven / 8h30 - 19h
Chat - Chien - NAC
carte de crédit - espèces


Because it’s not possible to prevent everything, i come also to your place when your pet is sick.

Medical consultation – life-threatening emergencies :

Does your pet have skin issue, digestive troubles, does he hurt himself or does he look very ill, I’m here.

Thanks to my embedded equipment, I can already make some complementary test at your place if needed (blood analysis, ultrasounds, microscopic exams…). Depending on the diagnosis, most of the time a home-based treatment will be prescribed and deliver.  If additional tests are required or if your animal needs intensive care, he could be either referred to the veterinary clinic you would like or send to the one I could advise you. If so, a complete debrief of the consultation woud be provide to the vets in order to optimise his follow-up.

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