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Whether you have just adopted a new companion or you’ve been sharing his life for many years, it is important to regularly check that he is in good health and properly protected to preserve it. Here below are the different health check I propose depending on pet’s lifestage.

Annual health checkup – vaccinations

The annual health checkup is the opportunity to ensure every year the healthy state of your pet. During this consultation, a full clinical exam will be performed including clinical observation, palpation, heart auscultation…. This aims to detect very early the potential first signs of pathologies in order to handle them before the occurence of obvious clinical signs. In a nutshell, preventing rather than curing ! It is also the opportunity to check the immune and parasitic status of your pet, his vaccination state, his nutrition, his behavior… 


Pediatric health checkup

Pediatric health checkup almost follows the same objective than the annual health check. However, a special focus is put on health risks related to young age (viral dieases, parasitism, growth curves, education…)  



Geriatric health checkup

For the older pets, it could be also relevant to perform a deeper health check to make sure he stays healthy. A complete blood analysis or a specific auscultation of organic systems, like joints, are some examples of what can be done to check your companion is aging with confidence.VACCINS VERMIFUGES

⇒ The home-based veterinary visit is especially suitable for these health checkups. The pet being in his daily environment, it is therefore easier to observe him quietly and to identify environmental factors which may impact his health.

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