Gard / Hérault
06 30 09 75 58
Lun - Ven / 8h30 - 19h
Chat - Chien - NAC
carte de crédit - espèces

Privileged follow-up

The home-based veterinary consult –

privileged follow-up :


♦ A consultation duration usually longer than in clinic ( about 30 to 45 minutes)

♦ An individual follow-up of your pet with free phone or mail direct access to your vet for any question during opening hours

♦ The guarantee of a continuity of care even beside opening hours in partnership with the vet emergency clinic V2TU

♦ A privileged follow-up by your home-based vet in case of hospitalisation of your pet

♦ The delivery of vet quality products directly at your place

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